Loading Liquor License Transfers Victoria

Liquor License Transfers Victoria

Transfer of Liquor Licenses in Victoria

It is common practice across Victoria for licensed venues to be bought and sold on a regular basis. As part of a venue sale, it is generally understood that the liquor licence in place at the venue forms part of the business sale. This is where a licence transfer comes into play. On Tap Liquor Consulting has extensive experience in the liquor licence application process, including having undertaken many licence transfers; We look forward to working with you as  you navigate the application process.

How Long Does it take to Transfer a Liquor Licence in Victoria

There are a range of factors which can impact the length of time it takes to transfer a liquor licence in Victoria. In general terms, however, it will generally take 6 to 8 weeks for the Liquor Commission to receive and complete a transfer of liquor licence if they have all relevant and required documentation. In order to make sure your application is processed within this time frame, you want to make sure you supply them all required items as soon as possible. We are able to assist with this process to ensure timeframes are maintained. 

Liquor Licence Transfers in Victoria

Download our Liquor Licence Transfer Package now to see how we can assist with your licence transfer in Victoria

About Transferring your Liquor Licence in Victoria

To transfer a liquor licence from one party to another, there are various documents required to be submitted to the VCGLR, including any, or all, of the following as well as any other details required by the VCGLR;

  1. Completed application form and associated fee;
  2. Details of the business to be transferred and details of the proposed new licensee;
  3. A completed and signed ‘Questionnaire’ from each person listed on the application (including company directors, proposed nominees, business partners, Committee members etc.);
  4. Evidence of the completion of all required training programs (RSA and new entrant training);
  5. A maximum patron capacity report from a registered building surveyor (this is generally required if there is no patron capacity noted on the licence); and
  6. Business name certification.
It is also imperative that you have an understanding of what the planning permit attached to the property allows for. In addition to this, if the venues layout has changed in any way, a new updated venue floor plan, otherwise known as a red line plan, may also need to be submitted to the Commission as part of the application process. Although licence transfer applications do not have a public advertising component to them, they are still subject to the same scrutiny as a new licence application would be. The Victorian Liquor Commission determine between 1,000 and 1,500 applications for the transfer of a licence within Victorian annually, so it is important to ensure that documentation being lodged is accurate.

On Tap Liquor Consulting have implemented a package related to the transfer of licensed premises in Victoria. This package has been designed to ensure that any purchase of a licensed premises ends with a transfer of the Liquor Licence in a manner that is as seamless and stress free as possible for all parties involved. We understand that dealing with the red tape of a license transfer can be one of the delays and frustrations involved with the purchase/sale of a licensed premises, a process that most would prefer not to have to undertake.

Our Licence Transfer Package is surprisingly affordable. Contact us today to discuss your requirements

How Can On Tap Liquor Consulting Assist in a Liquor Licence Transfer Process?

On Tap Liquor Consulting have put together a package related to the transfer of licensed premises in Victoria. This package has been designed to ensure that any purchase of a licensed premises ends with a transfer of the Liquor Licence in a manner that is as seamless and stress free as possible for all parties involved. We understand that dealing with the red tape of a license transfer can be one of the delays and frustrations involved with the purchase/sale of a licensed premises, a process that most would prefer not to have to undertake.

It is the aim of On Tap Liquor Consulting to have licence transfers completed inside 55 days from the date the application is submitted and lodged with the VCGLR. This is less that the average determination time for transfers undertaken by the VCGLR. Be aware, however, that the Commission receives some 15,000+ applications a year which may cause unforeseen delays. To avoid delays as much as possible, On Tap Liquor Consulting have a process in place where all applications are subject to quality control measures and will only be submitted when all details required by the VCGLR are ready.

As part of the package, On Tap Liquor Consulting will undertake appropriate checks and balances to ensure that the licence in place at the subject venue is the most appropriate licence for the operation and that the venue is operating to its full potential and within its legislative boundaries.

Transfer Your Liquor Licence in Victoria

Download our Liquor Licence Transfer Package now to see how we can assist with your licence transfer in Victoria

Contact Us Today to Discuss Your Requirements